Fòrum Territori de Vincles
📣 Registration open!
🗣️ We already have the final program of the free days on November 5/6
🔗 TERRITORY OF LINKS 🔧 Practical tools for living rural territories 🌱
Training talks, round tables and exchange sessions on:
🏡 access to housing and energy rehabilitation
👩🌾 agrarian relief and access to land
🌳 forest management
💡 energy transition
With success stories from Catalonia, the Basque Country, Extremadura, Belgium and tastings of products from the Vall del Corb
📅 Friday 5th and Saturday 6th November from 9am to 5.30pm
📍 Castle of Santa Coloma de Queralt
📝 Registration: bit.ly/territoridevincles21
📩 Contact: territoriovincles@gmail.com
Organized by: Associació Vall del Corb, Territori de Vincles, Coopcamp